Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM), on Monday, June 10, 2024 in the ODS room of campus 3 held a meeting with Prof. Mun'im Sirry, Ph.D. who is the Coordinator of Contending Modernities Research Group Authority, Community and Identity (ACI), University of Notre Dame, United States. This meeting discussed a cooperation plan related to the strategy of strengthening research and publication at UMM, especially in the field of Islamic studies and social and political. This meeting was attended by a research team from the UMM Islamic and Philosophy Study Center (PSIF) Team, the Asian Study Center Team (PSA) and the Social and Political Science Study Center Team (PKISP) which will later become a research team and publication together with Prof. Mun'im. In addition, Vice-Rector IV (Muhammad Salis Yuniardi, Ph.D.), Vice-Rector V UMM (Prof. Dr. Tri Sulis) and Prof. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si (professor of the Faculty of Islamic Religion) also attended in this activity.
Dr. Salahudin, as Head of Research, Dedication, and Cooperation Bureau UMM, explained plans that related to the content and strategies of cooperation as well as leading the discussion. He said that this collaboration is very important in supporting the international recognition of UMM, especially in the achievement of Webometrics and the entry of UMM in the world QS Ranking, where one of the achievement indicators is publication and research with international cooperation.
Dr. Salahudin added, “the research collaboration strategy will later use the UMM internal research scheme, external DIKTI (DRTM), and external BRIN, which of course the output of this external research is in the form of international scientific publications, books, and others”.
In addition to research and publication, one of the forms of this collaboration is a visiting professor whose activities will be held tomorrow in the form of a guest lecture of the Faculty of Islamic Religion, on June 11, 2024, in the UMM senate courtroom as well as the signing ceremony of the MoU. This guest lecture carries the theme "Re-thinking Historical and Normative Islamic Dialetics in Responding to Contemporary Issues", where Prof. Syamsul Arifin, MSi. was also present as the second speaker with Prof. Mun'im Sirry.
This collaborative activity is expected to improve the quality and quantity of research and international publications which will have a positive impact on boosting UMM recognition in the international arena.