Independent Research in UMM

Independent research conducted by faculty members at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) refers to research activities carried out individually by lecturers, outside the obligations and institutional research programs set by the university. This research is implemented to explore and develop knowledge and innovations within the academic field that aligns with the faculty members' interests and expertise.

Specifically, independent research at UMM encompasses several aspects:

  1. Personal Initiative: Faculty members have the freedom to choose research topics that align with their interests and areas of expertise, which may not be fully covered by the university's official research agenda.
  2. Enhancement of Academic Quality: The research aims to improve the academic and professional quality of the lecturers, which in turn can have a positive impact on the teaching and learning process at UMM.
  3. Contribution to Scientific Development: Independent research can significantly contribute to the advancement of science and technology, as well as address relevant issues impacting society or industry.
  4. Publication and Recognition: The results of independent research are often published in scientific journals, presented at conferences, or shared in other academic forums, which helps enhance UMM's reputation as a leading educational institution.
  5. Institutional Support: Although the research is conducted independently, UMM provides support in the form of research facilities, resources, or opportunities to collaborate with other academics, to facilitate faculty research activities.

Through independent research, faculty members at UMM can explore new ideas, enhance their academic competencies, and make significant contributions to the advancement of science and technology, while also strengthening the university’s position as a center of academic excellence.