UNITRI Cooperation, Benchmarking Visitation

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 03:31 WIB   Riset, Pengabdian, dan Kerjasama

Discussion prosess related to the coorperation of UMM and UNITRI

On Monday, August 19, 2024, Vice-Rector IV for Research, Service, and Cooperation UMM received a visit from representatives of Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University to conduct benchmarking cooperation. Located in the vice-rector IV courtroom, the visit from UNITRI was carried out by Dr. Erwin Ismu Wisnubroto, SP, M.Phill as Vice Rector III, Sulih Indra Dewi, S.Sos., M.A. as Head of UPT Cooperation, and Kandida Trisdiana, SM as UPT Cooperation Staff at UNITRI. The visit was received by Muhammad Fath Mashuri S.Psi., M.A. as head of Cooperation Affairs, Dr. Ir. Listiari Hendraningsih MP. as Head of IRO, Dr. Dana Marsetiya Utama S.T., M.T. as Head of Research and Cooperation, and Heru Budiana, SH as Head of Division IV.

Photo together after discussion

UPT Cooperation UNITRI is an institution that handles cooperation, and international students intend to exchange information and experiences related to the management of cooperation ranging from the structure of the institution to the administration of reporting through Lapkerma, including how strategies can be applied to increase collaboration, both at the national and international levels. Dr. Ir. Listiari Hendraningsih MP., as Head of IRO (International Relations Office), also shared information and experiences related to managing international students at UMM, where IRO is the entrance to all international affairs regarding cooperation and management of international students. 
