Focus on Improving Global Reputation and Joint Research Collaboration Agenda at NUNI 2024

Monday, September 09, 2024 13:38 WIB   Riset, Pengabdian, dan Kerjasama

Nationwide University Network in Indonesia (NUNI) is an exclusive consortium of 21 superior accredited universities. UMM is a member and acts as one of the consortium's founders. This year, the NUNI annual meeting was held at the University of North Sumatra, and leaders from all member universities attended it. Present as a representative from UMM was the Head of the Bureau of Research, Service, and Cooperation, Dr. Salahudin, M.Si., M.P.A, to take part in the NUNI Presidential Forum & Annual Meeting, which took place on August 25 to 27, 2024.

The partnership council meeting discussed two critical points. First, a discussion of the accountability report. Second, related to the activity program where NUNI members agreed to focus on improving the global reputation of 21 member universities. As a follow-up to these efforts in the future, the members will jointly carry out comparative studies to reputable foreign universities, conduct joint promotions, and hold international research collaborations.

UMM's membership in the NUNI consortium is a strategic asset for improving international rankings. The gathering of 21 leading universities in Indonesia can also create cooperation between members of the universities. However, UMM needs to play an active role, not only participating in the program but also initiating programs in it.
